Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kitchen and Tecorales

Things more ever so slowly.

Two weeks ago the carpenter came and installed the kitchen cabinets.

This is where the stove will go with a microwave over it.  Sergio designed and ordered special tiles to go between the counter and the upper cabinets.  They look great but can't be installed until the granite counter gets installed.   We selected the granite this week and the guy came yesterday to take the measurements.  The carpenter has been back since to install the panty and fridge "nook" which will be on the left, plus an additional cabinet over the stove.
This is the wall to the terrace.  The counter will be level on both sides with a bit of a "bar" on the outer side with the same granite.  The hole on the left is for the dishwasher - hidden now by a wooden door.  There is also an island which will have the same granite top.  The sink will go under the middle window.  The cabinets still need a coat of varnish but it has been so cold and wet it has to wait for dryer weather.

Meanwhile outside they have been busy building "tecorales". These are stone retaining walls that have allowed us to create several terraces going up to the far corner. Eventually we'll plant succulents into the stones to add some colour.  You can see how wet and damp is has been.  Mud everywhere.
We stayed over that night and it was a total disaster.  Huge electrical storm.  Wind, rain, lighting, thunder, plastic sheets making noise all night, water everywhere, a mess.  Decided we weren't staying over again until the place was completely secured.  Here I am reading on the floor.  Uma, asleep,  non-plussed but what was going on around her.
Uma making friends with the neighbors.  Literally cows, ducks, rabbits, turkeys, living across the lane from us.

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