Friday, March 23, 2012

Anthropological digs on our lot

The place look like a disaster while this was all going on

All the land in Tepoz is protected by the National Culture Ministry.  Before you can get a building permit the land has to be checked to make sure that there are no ancient (in this case Aztec) ruins on the property.  It took them forever to organize the dig and prepare the report.  And, you guessed it, they found "stuff" (an old wall and some building foundations in a couple of places).  Basically it means we can't do anything that would damage any of it (heck, it's already a ruin!).  We can build on top of it as long as it doesn't get disturbed.  Our architect has cleverly placed everything; house, pool, septic system, cistern etc, on top or away from the ruins.
Apparently - this is part of a stone wall.
Luckily it is so deep in the ground it will have no
 effect on our plans
There were about eight large holes dug all round the lot
(and all since filled in)

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