Friday, March 23, 2012

Constructing a Perimeter Wall

The first job was to secure the property with a stone wall along the two sides where there lane is.  The other two sides abut neighbors.  The existing neighbors already installed a two meter chain link fence which will be covered by ivy and bushes.  The other open side faces an empty lot (also secured) and we hope to negotiate an agreement with the owners on what to build along the property line.

The wall had to have very deep foundations because of the lay of the land
This is the front gate.  The chain link is temporary.
Eventually it will be a solid metal door and there will be a sort
of roof thing across the top.
The parking will be at this level with a wall and stairs going
up to the lawn and house just by the tree over my shoulder.
This is from inside looking towards the village and the cliffs in the distance.
The top of the greenhouses will be blocked by bougainvillea bushes   
The wall is over two meters high.
This is from the access road looking to the cliff.

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