Yes, things are moving above ground! All the foundations have been completed (and
covered up, which is a shame as they really looked nice). They are now moving upwards.
The lower part of the exterior walls will be volcanic rock (like the perimeter wall but not as crude).
Above that will be traditional adobe.
Adobe is produced locally, which is something we wanted. When the sun hits the stone it looks
beautiful - all golden.
Here's a load of adobe waiting to be placed.
Two contrasting walls will
be “ladrillo” which are basically variegated red bricks much like you see in a
turn-of-the-century house in southern Ontario.
Below are two VERY simple images of what the exterior will look like with the different stone treatments. Most of the windows are missing from these images so they look a bit over-whelming.
The walls around Sergio are finished. Inside they will be covered in plaster. This week they will start to lay the adobe. Behind Sergio is the guest bedroom. The guy in the white shirt is standing in the downstairs bathroom. It is sort of neat to be finally moving around the house from room to room.
You can’t really tell but this guy is chipping away on the volcanic stone to create a flat surface. No saws here, just chisel and hammer. And eye protection? Who needs eye protection?
You gotta love that view!
Sergio and I spent last Saturday with Antonio visiting a
number of different work sites looking at exterior finishing options. All of a sudden we have to make decisions.
- Do we want stone lintels (the bit over the doors and windows) or wood, or a contrast design in adobo? Ahhhh Ummmm. Lemme get back to you on that.
- What colour stain on the wood beams? Ummmm. Lemme get back to you on that.
It is also our VERY last chance to ask for structural /
design changes. Move a door, make a
window bigger or smaller, etc. We’ve had
the plans – about ten gigantic pieces of paper - spread out on the dining room table
since the weekend. Decisions decisions!
Amazing! It's coming along nicely. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. It's looking fantastic.