Saturday, February 9, 2013

Things are moving at a faster pace above ground!

We have visited Tepoz the past two Saturdays and have been very happy with the advances and how things are taking shape.  We actually have a building!

This is a shot from the entranceway.  These guys are constructing the staircase that will wind up the inside of the perimeter stone wall.  You can see how the bottom part of the exterior walls is volcanic rock.  On the left side is the adobe wall of the kitchen with two big windows looking towards the village.  On the right is the red brick wall that will go to the second floor.  The same red brick will be inside the staircase to add some contrast and texture.  The terrace level will be about halfway up the wooden ladder.  The white brick structure is the septic tank that will be completely covered.

This is the interior wall that will separate the living / dining space from your bedroom and the downstairs bath.  The two guys are using chisels to make groves for the ceiling beams.  All the interior walls will be covered with plaster.

It still doesn’t look like much but this gives you an idea of how far they have come along.  The left front corner will be finished volcanic rock.  The big open space across the front will be six meters of sliding glass doors.  The main entrance is hidden by the “scaffolding” and will be adobe.  More to the right will be three large kitchen windows opening on to the terrace dining area.  Go back to the previous blog to get a better sense of this.

This is the side of the house that backs on to our neighbour’s lot.  The open door leads to a storage area under the interior stairs that is big enough to accommodate the washer and dryer given to us by friends returning to the States.  As the walls get higher you’ll be able to see windows for the guest bathroom as well as your bedroom.  The stone wall is the property line.  The community is trying to preserve plants that are indigenous to the region so if we cut down the tree we either have to prove we’ve planted a replacement or pay a fine.  By the end of this week they should be able to star on the ceilings.

We’re excited!

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